LIC #414000219

About the Summer Program
Littlest Angels’ summer program follows a rhythm that is similar to our school year program. Our camps are three weeks long and each offers an exciting theme. This program is staffed by the same high-quality teachers who work during our school year program. Each session will give each camper the opportunity to experience theme related vocabulary words and facts, music, science, pretend play, creative art experiences, counting, and color, shape recognition.
A morning snack will be provided. Children in the 9:00 – 1:00 program are to bring a lunch—microwaves are available to warm food as needed.
Come join us for enrichment, socialization, exploration, and most of all some SUMMERTIME FUN!

Summer Session 1: Animal Antics!
June 9th - 27th
Deadline to Cancel: May 26th
All kids love to go to the zoo! They are fascinated by the different animals. We will plan fun learning explorations related to the zoo and its collection of animals that come from all around the world! We’ll be doing lots of “monkeying around” with music and movement! The little ones are sure to go bananas over Monkey Limbo, Monkey See-Monkey Do, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, and more! Come join us for an adventure where the wild things are!
Summer Session 2: How Does Your Garden Grow?
July 7th- 25th
Deadline to Cancel: June 23th
Little ones are sure to “dig” this collection of learning opportunities about gardening. Gardening is a natural way to observe the cycle of life. As children prepare the soil, plant seeds and seedlings, water them and watch and wait to see what happens they will have a hands-on experience of exactly how a garden does grow! We’ll also look at some creatures that lend a hand in the garden!

Summer Session 3: "Our Incredible Bodies!"
July 28th - August 15th
Deadline to Cancel: July 14
From their noses to their toes-es, children have a natural curiosity about their bodies. We have designed this theme to help motivate and guide young children toward understanding key concepts about the human body. We will explore our 5 senses and the many things that bodies can do, (hop, skip, jump, run, throw, etc.). We will work on the concepts of left and right, spatial awareness, and gross motor skills. The children will discover what a truly amazing miracle they are and that there is no one exactly like them!
Fees for each 3 Week Session
To enroll, please return the “Summer Registration Form” and the non-refundable processing fee for each child. The processing fee is $100 for the first child and $75 for the second child.

$643.50 for siblings
$792 for siblings
$1026 for siblings
$1170 for siblings
Optional Program Fees
Before-School Care
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
$6.50 Per Day
After-school Care
1:00 - 5:30 p.m.
$13.00 Per Hour
2's Lunch Bunch
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
$13.00 Per Day