LIC #414000219

Busy Bees Classroom News
Dear Busy Bees’ families,
We are already enjoying full Autum although some days do not feel like it, and the Holidays are approaching us at full speed!
During this month our Bees Classroom has been a busy place with students making all sorts of Thanksgiving and Farm projects, as our themes for this month are Thanksgiving and Farm.
November 2023
Our November virtue is being thankful and our wonderful children love to discuss at circle time what they are thankful for, including Mommies and Daddies, sisters and brothers and favorite toys.
We are also learning about the color Brown and letters D, E and F. Our number is 3 (which they love because most of them are either 3 or turning three very soon!) and our shape this month is the Oval.
We are enjoying the Old Mac Donald Song, and we have included the turkey and sound the turkey makes, “with a gobble, gobble here and a gobble, gobble there!”. The song is becoming our classroom’s favorite one to sing!

Some of the books we have enjoyed:
Animal House by Melissa Bay
Mathis, Chicken Little
adapted by Mara Alperin,
Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen
Cronin and Storm is Coming
by Heather Tekavec

Some Gentle Reminders
- please include long sleeve shirts and pants with your child’s extra changes of clothing.
Please be certain to sign your child in each day and include his/her First and Last name.
Be sure to check your child’s backpack or lunch bag each day. We put our reminders when your child needs extra diapers, or extra clothes in their backpacks/lunch bags, as well as important information from the preschool office.
We wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
In community,
Teacher Cecilia, Teacher Ruth and Teacher Celesté